Paternal Depression Screening Tool

We developed the Yates Paternal Depression Screening Tool for male fathers during the perinatal period because no other such measurement previously existed. The Edinburgh Postpartum Depression Scale (EPDS) and other comparable tools have been developed to screen for depression in women during and after pregnancy and childbirth. Although studies exist seeking to validate the EPDS and other tools for men, we see a continuing need to develop tools that are sensitive to men and fatherhood, not retrofitted and adapted from tools developed to capture unique characteristics of depression in women and mothers.

The Yates tool can screen male fathers during the perinatal period (prenatal or before birth up to 12 months after birth) for signs of depression that are unique to men and male fathers. Questions target domains of:

  • Mood/Loss of Interest and Motivation
  • Aggression/Irritability
  • Self-Concept/Feelings of Worth
  • Social System Deficits
  • Alcohol/Drug Use

These domains were integrated into the questionnaire specifically to address issues related to men and fatherhood. We believe that a culturally sensitive, carefully designed tool can give insight into the particular ways depression manifests in male fathers, identify men at risk for perinatal depression, and highlight the need to tailor treatment and services to the unique experiences of male fathers.

Furthermore, we hope to spur opportunities to explore potential programming, treatment and policy changes, both to raise awareness of the need to screen male fathers and to offer efficient and effective services and programs to meet their clinical and parenting needs. Since it has been well established that postpartum depression, including paternal postpartum depression, has impacts on the development of children, it would be detrimental not to screen and treat paternal postpartum depression.

Currently, we are using the Yates Paternal Depression Screening Tool in our Fathers’ Feelings Questionnaire Study. To find out more, call us at 440.260.8865, email us at, or fill out our contact form.

Fathers who are 18 years or older with a child under one year old may be eligible to participate in our study. Interested fathers can complete our study screening form here.

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