Conversation discussing Toxic Black Hair Products – 15-minute Podcast Episode

Blog Author: Kiliyah Mair, Research Assistant and project lead on ECSI (Early Childhood Safety Initiative)

The Institute of Family and Community Impact seeks to create an equitable, resiliency centered society- and initiatives like our Kinky Curly Kids blog seek to do just that! Identifying toxic hair products and their disproportionate impact on Black women’s development and physical and mental health is one of the ways we seek to promote health and wellness through prevention in our communities.

This is why we are sharing a 15-minute podcast episode from Dr. Tamara James-Todd, an epidemiologist at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health who has dedicated a tremendous amount of time and dedication towards unveiling the way in which racism appears in our environment and the cosmetic products we consume daily. On this podcast episode, Dr. James-Todd speaks with podcast host Steve Curwood about the effects of toxic chemical exposure starting in early childhood from beauty products primarily advertised to Black women in the U.S. across generations. Click to develop an understanding of the toxic chemical issue and to gain insight on what can be done to protect the heads and hearts of future generations.

Listen to the podcast episode!

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