June Newsletter- Father’s Feelings

June is Fatherhood & Men’s Health Month! Learn more about our Father’s Feelings program in the June Newsletter below.

June Newsletter

Each month the Institute of Family and Community Impact an OhioGuidestone initiative releases research Newsletters to explore our innovations closely. We want to communicate our projects, innovations, and other happenings while strengthening our relationship with the community in an accessible manner. Read the June Newsletter that closely explores our Father’s Feelings program and it’s importance in our communities.

About our Father’s Feelings Release

Father’s Feelings seeks to transform society’s approach to paternal health by combining several IFCI innovations like our Yates paternal perinatal depression screening response and protocol and Joyful Together, our evidence-based practice that uses joy to infuse everyday moments. If dads’ feelings are validated, we are another step closer to whole-family thriving and vitality!

Father's Feelings Program logo

Sneak-Peek Inside the Father’s Feelings June Newsletter

  • Father’s Feelings Program Updates
  • June Reading Corner: In this release we introduce you to our Impact Corner article on Fathers’ unique play style and it’s importance for their kids’ development!
  • Community Resources: Remember we work with the communities we serve! In each Newsletter release you will find some resources that might be of help to you or someone you know!


We want to hear from YOU! Contact us with your suggestions and feedback on our Newsletter releases! Stay tuned to see your suggestions in future editions!

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